SFLC.in @ Chennai FOSS 2.0

On 06 April 2024, Vignesh and Kiran S Kunjomon, Technologists at SFLC.in, attended ChennaiFOSS 2.0, The second edition of the annual flagship conference conducted by FOSS United in Chennai to promote Free and Open Source Software.

Vignesh, Technologist-SFLC.in, delivered a talk on “Protecting Digital Rights and Privacy Using Free Software,” highlighting the Internet revolution, emphasizing its origin as a decentralized network and its current shift towards centralization, which violates user privacy. He demonstrated how citizens can safeguard their data and privacy using Free and Open-Source Software.

Kiran S. Kunjumon, Technologist-SFLC.in, interacted with delegates and attendees at the Community Booth. Visitors expressed interest in SFLC.in’s objective to protect digital rights and contributed to support SFLC.in’s mission to protect digital freedoms.


Stay tuned for further updates on upcoming events and initiatives within the FOSS community.