Stop crying wolf: just wait and watch!
A version of this article appeared in The Hoot on Aug 21, 2013 The weekend began with much commentary in the newspapers and on theair…
Mouthshut case: the media got it all wrong
Article written by Mishi Choudhary, Executive Director, about the media coverage on the case in the Supreme Court challenging the Information Technology (Intermediaries…
IIT Professor Arrested For Sending “unwanted” Text messages
Lingaraj Sahoo, an IIT Professor was arrested on 13 August, 2013 by the Amingaon police under Sections 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach…
Online Petition by P. Rajeeve
Recent revelations in the media have shown how the US Government has been monitoring digital communications of people across the world through their PRISM program….
Care about your online privacy and security? Attend a Cryptoparty by! When mass surveillance and data mining define our online lives, privacy and data…
Comments on the draft Guidelines for Computer Related Inventions
The Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks releaseddraft Guidelines for Computer Related Inventions, on June 28, 2013 and invited public comments on them.…
Citizen Journalist Show, CNN IBN – 16th July 2013
On 16th June 2013, Prasanth and Surendran from SFLC.IN participated in a Google Hangout on the topic of Online Privacy.
The Social Network, NDTV, 16th July 2013
Prasanth Sugathan, Senior Counsel at SFLC.IN appeared on a talk show on Section 66A of the IT Act
For openness in data use
News article quoting Prasanth, Counsel at about the kind of licensing that should be followed while releasing Government data to the public domain. Read…
What really led to the Vimeo blocking?
A news article on based on the reply received for the RTI application we had filed regarding the blocking of some websites including…
PUCL General Secretary Was Arrested For Facebook Posts
Ms. Jaya Vindhayala, general secretary of People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) was arrested on 13 May, 2013 by the Prakashan district police in Hyderabad,…
Round Table on Intermediary Liability
SFLC.IN is organising a series of nation wide consultations to elicit feedback from various stakeholders on the issues faced by the Industry and the Internet…