
Panel Discussion – Revisiting Aadhaar: Law, Tech and Beyond [May 9, 2017; New Delhi]

The last one year has seen a number of interesting developments around the Aadhaar project, such as the notification of the Aadhaar Act, Aadhaar enrolment being made mandatory for availing various benefits and subsidies from the Government, and a series of incidents where individuals’ Aadhaar information was leaked from Government databases.

Against this backdrop,, in partnership with the Digital Empowerment Foundation and IT for Change, is organizing a panel discussion titled, “Revisiting Aadhaar: Law, Tech and Beyond” on Tuesday, May 9, 2017, from 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM at Lecture Hall No 1, India International Centre (Annexe), New Delhi. This event is meant as a forum for stakeholders to discuss recent developments around Aadhaar and formulate community responses to the concerns therein. Panelists for this discussion will be:

  • Saikat Datta; Policy Director, Centre for Internet and Society (Moderator)
  • Anivar Aravind; Founder/Director at Indic Project
  • Anupam Saraph; Professor and Future Designer
  • Prasanna S; Advocate
  • Shyam Divan; Senior Advocate, Supreme Court
  • Srinivas Kodali; Co-founder at Open Stats
  • Osama Manzar; Founder and Director, Digital Empowerment Foundation
  • Usha Ramanathan; Legal Researcher

If you are interested in attending this event, kindly send an RSVP to latest by Sunday, May 7. Alternatively, you can register to attend at this [link].