Cryptoparty – January 2016 will be organizing a cryptoparty on 30th January 2016 at 3pm in its office in Jangpura, Delhi. It will be a hands-on workshop where we teach and learn basic cryptography tools to secure our digital communication, to understand data privacy and mass surveillance issues.

Why Cryptoparty?

The state of digital communication hasn’t improved much despite the scary revelations made by Edward Snowden back in 2013. Governments and corporations have been engaged in massive surveillance programs which strip our digital lives of all forms of privacy or anonymity, which are essential components to exercise our right to free speech and expression. Hackers have long been practicing the use of mathematics and cryptography tools to circumvent surveillance and keep their communications private. These tools are now necessary for people working in all fields, given the inevitability of digital communication everywhere.

Cryptoparty is a social gathering of people to help learn basic cryptography tools by getting their laptops, mobile phones and other gadgets and learn to secure their digital lives.

What to expect?

  • How to encrypt your emails using PGP
  • How to browse anonymously using Tor
  • How to avoid being tracked online
  • Fun and Food


3pm to 5:30pm on 30th January, 2016

How to get there?

Address: K-9, Birbal Road, Jangpura Extension, New Delhi – 14 Metro: Jangpura Metro Station on Violet Line

Let us know in advance, so we can help you better. RSVP to