Represation to the IT committee sent a representation to the IT standing committee on the menace of Internet Shutdowns had written to all the members of the IT committee chaired by Dr. Shashi Tharoor on 8th June 2020 highlighting the menace of Internet shutdowns.

Our letter highligted the adverse impact of Internet shutdowns on citizens of the country. The letter also reinstated the plight of the citizens of Jammu and Kashmir as the region has had more than 365 days of restricted communication.

We have been maintaining an Internet Shutdown tracker which records the number of internet shutdowns that have occured in the country, We have also been trying to record the impact of the block by running an Initiative called Voices from Kashmir. had earlier written a letter to the special committee formed by the Supreme Court in Foundation of Media Professionals V. Union of India offering our assistance to the committee.

We are hopeful that the IT committee will look into the matter of states imposing arbitary internet shutdowns and come up with recommedations that will help fighting against these net disruptions.