Digital Security Training for Journalists

Digital Security Training for Journalists

Event Announcement:

Journalists would wish to prevent the identification of sources (whitleblowers or others that do not wish to be identified) and also to conduct secure communication with their sources in the cases where some sources of information may face discrimination, persecution, death threats or other harsh measures if their identity is revealed.

The use of internet is increasing in every sphere of our lives, especially in the spheres of communication and transfer of documents. Insecure communication can be intercepted, accessed and even modified by eavesdroppers during transmission. Detailed digital profiles are created by tracking our browsing history and online activity. This information can be used to influence us in many ways as revealed by the recent infamous case of Cambridge Analytica data leak scandal. The number of attacks, both targeted and un-targeted, against unsuspecting people on the internet is rising.

We are conducting a workshop exclusively for journalists on August 3rd, 2018 from 4 PM to 5:30 PM in our office. In this workshop, basic digital security measures for protecting privacy will be discussed, followed by demonstrations showing how to use various tools for securing your communications & information/data.      

Date & Time: August 3rd, 4 PM to 5:30 PM


Software Freedom Law Centre, India

K-9, Second Floor, Jangpura Extension,New Delhi – 110014, India.

Nearest Metro Station: Jangpura, 550 m away

Google Maps Link:

We cordially invite you to join us and participate in the workshop. Please email us at or RSVP at ‘‘ to confirm your participation.