
Care about your online privacy and security? Attend a Cryptoparty by!

When mass surveillance and data mining define our online lives, privacy and data protection acquire a whole new meaning. Educating and empowering the netizens to take informed decisions and resist such surveillance is an important part building a free society. A small step in this direction is by understanding the basic concepts of Cryptography and how to use them.

CryptoParty is a decentralized, global initiative to introduce the most basic cryptography software and the fundamental concepts of their operation to the general public, such as the Tor anonymity network, public key encryption (PGP/GPG), and OTR (Off The Record messaging). CryptoParties are free to attend, public, commercially and politically non-aligned events. in its commitment to education about digital freedoms has been organizing such events in different parts of India. A tentative schedule is provided here.

If you want one organized in your schoold, college, start up, community or anywhere, please fill this form

Bring your computers and friends! Let’s discuss how to protect and safeguard your online privacy.