A runthrough on the ongoing Internet shutdowns and content blocking during the farmers’ protest

The Internet is a key enabler of many fundamental rights, including freedom of speech and expression. SFLC.in, through internetshutdowns.in has been recording instances of internet shutdown since 2012. Through this blog post, we are documenting internet shutdowns as well as content takedown during the farmers’ protests, which began on February 13th, 2024. The farmers’ movement had undertaken a call for a march on February 13th, 2024, to press their demands for Minimum Support Price (MSP), justice for Lakhimpur Kheri violence, load waivers and other issues.

These protests have once again highlighted a troubling trend: the use of internet shutdowns and social media bans to curtail communication and suppress dissent. While the government cites security concerns, these measures raise serious questions about the democratic space in India.

Similarly, silencing voices on social media through account suspensions and content takedowns restricts the free exchange of ideas and undermines the right to peaceful assembly. These actions create a chilling effect, discouraging individuals from expressing their opinions and participating in online discourse.

While maintaining public order is crucial, stifling legitimate dissent through digital restrictions is counterproductive. Open dialogue, even when uncomfortable, is essential for a healthy democracy. The government must engage with the farmers’ concerns and address them through constructive conversations, not through censorship.

Furthermore, internet shutdowns disproportionately impact vulnerable communities, disrupting access to essential services like healthcare and education. These measures undermine the very freedoms they claim to protect, hindering India’s progress towards a truly inclusive and equitable society. We have collected several such instances as part of our Internet shutdowns tracker here.

There were instances of widespread shutdowns in 2021 during farmers’ protests as well, where many parts of Haryana and the NCT of Delhi faced internet shutdowns[1]. SFLC.in had moved to Punjab and Haryana High Court to challenge these shutdowns as well.

Here is a timeline of events:

February 12th, 2024, Monday, the Delhi Police invoked Section 144 of the Indian Penal Code and banned large gatherings across the National Capital Region till March 12th, 2024, as a precautionary measure[2].

February 12th, 2024, Monday, the government of Haryana imposed an internet shutdown in seven districts bordering Delhi-Haryana, namely, Kurukshetra, Ambala, Katihal, Jind, Hisar, Sirsa, and Fatehabad[3]. The shutdown was imposed from 06:00 AM on 11/02/2024 to 11:59 PM on 13/02/2024 and was followed by an imposition of Section 144 of the Indian Penal Code banning all large gatherings.

February 13th, 2024, Tuesday, SFLC.The legal director, Prasanth Sugathan, wrote to the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Haryana to reconsider and take down the order banning mobile internet services in select districts of Haryana[4].

February 13th, 2024, Tuesday, the Twitter(X) Handles of farmer leaders who had previously been having discussions with the Union Minister were blocked. The Twitter handles are as follows: @phool_surjeet, @rammanmaann1974, @bkuSbs, @PandherSarvan, Tveer_13, and @tractor2twitr_i[5].

February 13th, 2024, Tuesday, the government of Rajasthan imposed an internet shutdown in 3 districts bordering Punjab-Haryana, namely Hanumangarh, Sri Ganganagar, and Anupgarh. The internet shutdown order was imposed for a day between 13/02/2024 and 14/02/2024 and was followed by an imposition of Section 144 of the Indian Penal Code banning all large gatherings[6].

February 13th, 2024, Tuesday, the Twitter(X) and Instagram handles of Kisan Ekta Morcha were blocked upon a legal request by the government[7].

February 13th, 2024, Tuesday, the government of Haryana extended internet shutdown till 11:59 PM on 15/02/2024 in seven districts bordering Delhi-Haryana, namely, Kurukshetra, Ambala, Katihal, Jind, Hisar, Sirsa, and Fatehabad[8].

February 14th, 2024, Wednesday, SFLC.in’s Legal Director, Prasanth Sugathan wrote to the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Rajasthan to reconsider and take down the order banning mobile internet services in select districts of Rajasthan[9].

February 14th, 2024, Wednesday, the Twitter(X) of news outlet Gaon Savera (@GaonSavera) as well that of Punjab-based local journalist Sandeep Singh (@PunYaab) was reportedly withheld based on a legal request by the government[10].

February 15th, 2024, Thursday, the Twitter(X) Handles of @FarmersFront @mandeeppunia1 @PunYaab @PandherSarvan @bkuSbs, and @ashokdanoda were reportedly withheld based on a legal request by the government[11].

February 16th, 2024, Friday, as per news reports, the Union Government issued two orders on February 10th and February 12th respectively to shutdown internet services in seven districts of Punjab, namely, Patiala, SAS Nagar, Bathinda, Sri Mukhtsar Sahib, Mansa, Sangrur, and Fatehgarh Sahib till February 16[12].

February 16th, 2024, Friday, the Ministry of Home Affairs imposed extended internet shutdown in seven districts of Punjab, namely, Patiala, SAS Nagar, Bathinda, Sri Mukhtsar Sahib, Mansa, Sangrur, and Fatehgarh Sahib till February 17th[13].

February 19th, 2024, Monday, the government of Haryana extended internet shutdown till 11:59 PM on 19/02/2024 in seven districts bordering Delhi-Haryana, namely, Kurukshetra, Ambala, Katihal, Jind, Hisar, Sirsa, and Fatehabad[14].

February 20th, 2024, Tuesday, the government of Haryana extended internet shutdown till 11:59 PM on 20/02/2024 in seven districts bordering Delhi-Haryana, namely, Kurukshetra, Ambala, Katihal, Jind, Hisar, Sirsa, and Fatehabad[15].

February 21st, 2024, Wednesday, the government of Haryana extended internet shutdown till 11:59 PM on 23/02/2024 in seven districts bordering Delhi-Haryana, namely, Kurukshetra, Ambala, Katihal, Jind, Hisar, Sirsa, and Fatehabad[16].

February 22nd, 2024, Thursday, the Twitter(X) Handles of @FarmStudioz, @Rattan1990, @TribalArmy, @HansrajMeena, @ManojSinghDuhan, @KMajdoormorcha, @AnujSinghBKU, and @FarmStudiozz were reportedly withheld based on a legal request by the government[17].

February 26th, 2024, Monday, the Twitter(X) Handles of @guranmeet, @Tractor2twitr_P, @bhavjitsingh_, @ramanmann1974, @APillania, @Tractor_Times, @du_jat were reportedly withheld based on a legal request from the Government[18].

February 27th, 2024, Tuesday, the government of Haryana imposed internet shutdown in Ambala district till 11:59 PM on 29/02/2024[19].

February 27th, 2024, Tuesday, the Union Government imposed internet shutdown in Sangrur and Patiala district of Punjab from 12:00 AM on 28/02/2024 to 11:59 PM on 01/03/2024[20].

March 01st, 2024, Friday, the Union Government imposed internet shutdown in Sangrur and Patiala districts of Punjab from 12:00 AM on 02/03/2024 to 11:59 PM on 05/03/2024[21].

March 5th, 2024, Tuesday, the Twitter(X) Handles of @garvitgarg15 and @gurshamshir were reportedly withheld based on a legal request from the Government[22].


1. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/dilli-chalo-2-0-section-144-in-delhi-till-march-12-whats-allowed-whats-not-ahead-of-farmer-march/articleshow/107624210.cms
2. https://www.thequint.com/news/india/farmers-delhi-chalo-protest-march-police-security-msp-punjab-haryana-live-news-updates
3. https://internetshutdowns.in/blog/sflcins-letter-to-reconsider-internet-shutdown-in/
4. https://news.abplive.com/news/india/haryana-police-prepares-to-seal-punjab-haryana-borders-farmers-delhi-chalo-march-traffic-advisory-internet-shutdown-1663480
5. https://www.instagram.com/p/C3UnKUWpJ3A/?igsh=MW01a3VxNnJhcWFzcA==
6. https://thewire.in/rights/farmers-internet-haryana-twitter-accounts
7. https://www.thequint.com/news/india/farmers-delhi-chalo-protest-march-police-security-msp-punjab-haryana-live-news-updates
8. https://navbharattimes.indiatimes.com/state/rajasthan/jaipur/internet-shutdown-in-three-districts-of-rajasthan-amid-farmer-protests/articleshow/107648529.cms
9. https://edition.cnn.com/2021/02/01/asia/india-internet-cut-farmers-intl-hnk/index.html
10. https://www.thequint.com/news/india/farmers-delhi-chalo-protest-march-police-security-msp-punjab-haryana-live-news-updates
11. https://thewire.in/rights/farmers-social-media-accounts-withheld-protest
12. https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/centre-used-british-era-act-to-block-internet-in-punjab-ahead-of-the-farmers-march/article67846087.ece
13. https://www.mha.gov.in/sites/default/files/Shutdown_16022024.pdf
14. https://www.hindustantimes.com/cities/chandigarh-news/mobile-internet-shutdown-extended-till-february-19-midnight-in-7-haryana-districts-101708195730659.html
15. https://legal.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/law-policy/shutdown-of-mobile-internet-services-in-7-districts-of-haryana-till-february-20/107890441
16. https://twitter.com/NetShutdowns/status/1760548275927843031
17. https://www.thequint.com/news/india/inside-hundreds-of-social-media-accounts-farmers-dalit-tribal-activists-withheld-blocked#read-more
18. List compiled by Twitter(X) user @NewsWithAkshit
19. https://www.livemint.com/news/india/internet-suspended-in-parts-of-haryana-on-february-28-29-amid-farmers-protest-11709037496538.html
20. https://www.mha.gov.in/sites/default/files/InternetShutdown_27022024.pdf
21. https://www.mha.gov.in/sites/default/files/CIRCULAR_04032024.pdf
22. https://twitter.com/garvitgarg15