Volunteer for the AC3 Project

We need your help to bridge the digital divide that exists in stark contrasts in India. Please consider volunteering for our AC3 project, where you may work with under-privilegedchildren and empower them with the knowledge and skills required to use free and open-source software.

  • Teach at the Center: Community Computing Centers always need good teachers. If you want to teach Free Software based tools, GNU/Linux OS, other subjects like helping the kids in their school syllabus, please do contact us.
  • Contribute in Cash and Kind: Students coming to the center should be exposed to the digital world. Laptops, digital cameras, recording devices, memory devices, etc are always in need. You may contribute financially to buy these devices. You may also request your organization to donate devices and gear, new or used.
  • Create Educational Material: You can help in curating relevant texts, images, audio, and videos for children. You may either curate these from the web, or you may author new course-material that would help us in the class room.
  • Interact with Companies: Some students studying at the center develop special skills. For example, one of our students has mastered the image-manipulation software GIMP. He now authors paintings using GIMP. An exhibition of his paintings may be organized by you in your company where he may display and sell his paintings.
  • Start a New Center: If you wish to bring digital freedom, empowerment, and opportunities to under-privileged kids in your area, we can help you start a center closer to your home.


For further details please contact Balaji Kutty:balaji.kutty@sflc.inor Talish Ray:talish@sflc.in