Victory for team of young lawyers, activists

Tuesday’s verdict is a victory for a loose coalition of young lawyers, Internet activists and researchers who filed separate petitions but helped each other with backroom work and creating public opinion over the last two years. Mishi Choudhary, a technology lawyer and founding director of the non-profit, Software Freedom Law Centre, that works on online civil liberties.

Ms. Choudhary was the lawyer for, a reviews-based website which would frequently get requests to take down negative reviews against builders who had defaulted, educational institutions giving fake degrees, banks and the police.’s CEO Faisal Farooqui is himself in his late 30s.

“The Supreme Court has ruled that the Section goes beyond reasonable restrictions as imposed by Article 19(2) and is vague and finds no part of it severable and has struck it down in its entirety. Liberty of speech and expression are cardinal concepts of paramount significance in a democracy,” Ms. Choudhary said.