A roundtable was called by Mr. Kapil Sibal to discuss issues regarding Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules, 2011.
A Round table was called by Mr. Kapil Sibal to discuss issues regarding Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules, 2011.
Signature Campaigns
[display-posts posts_per_page=”5″ category=”signature-campaigns”include_excerpt=”true” include_date=”true”]
Branding, Info-Architecture,Web/UI Design:Niyam Bhushan. http://www.niyam.com Web-Development:Vaibhav Kanwal Project-Assistant:Samarth Mediratta Font and Typography:Gentium font. Published under the SIL Open Font License. More…
Test White Paper for Software Patents
This is a test white paper for the software patent section. You can click on the button below to download the respective file.
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FAQ-Freedom in the Net
The Central Government notified the Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules, 2011 in April, 2011. The rules which seek to control the intermediaries end up controlling…
Album #2
Careers @SFLC.in
SFLC.in is a legal services organization that brings together lawyers, policy analysts, technologists, and students to protect freedom in the digital world. We promote innovation…
MTNL Responds To SFLC’s RTI: Copyright Labs Wanted 272 Websites To Be Blocked
Article written by Prasanth Sugathan, Counsel at SFLC.in on the RTI we had filed seeking information about instances of website blocking.The reply showed how agents…
When Copyright Tramples on the Right to Freedom of Expression
Vimeo, Pastebin, Piratebay and many other sites were blocked for over a month in India. There was lot of clamour in the twitterverse and social…