
mass content blocking in India

Recent Content Blocking in India

India has recently seen multiple content blocking, whether it is the recent app takedown of Bolta Hindustan from YouTube or the mass blocking of 10… @ Chennai FOSS 2.0

On 06 April 2024, Vignesh and Kiran S Kunjomon, Technologists at, attended ChennaiFOSS 2.0, The second edition of the annual flagship conference conducted by…

OpenStreetMap (OSM) Delhi Mapping Party

On 17 March, 2024, The OpenStreetMap (OSM) Delhi Team hosted a Mapping Party at’s office in New Delhi. The event focused on remote mapping,…

Psychometric Profiling of Digital Voter Data

The Role of Technology in Optimising Democratic Engagement   Introduction Historically, the success of political parties has been heavily influenced by the degree of their…