Our Letter to Uttarakhand Director General of Police raising concerns regarding monitoring of social media behavior of citizens

Our Letter to Uttarakhand Director General of Police raising concerns regarding monitoring of social media behavior of citizens

Our Letter to Uttarakhand Director General of Police raising concerns regarding monitoring of social media behavior of citizens

As indicated by recent media reports, Uttarakhand police has expressed its intent to monitor the social media behavior of citizens. As per the statement given by the state Director General of Police, if a citizen was habitually putting “anti-national” posts, the police would mention it in his/her police verification and may not clear the application for passport or arms license.

Any executive action should be in line with the constitutional principles and it should not infringe upon the right to freedom of speech of the citizens.

In our letter, we have urged the Uttarakhand DG to rethink the action which is being contemplated by the state Police.

You can read the letter here: