Health Id

Our letter to Education Department, Government of Puducherry against mandatory Health ID registration

Our letter to Education Department, Government of Puducherry against mandatory Health ID registration

Recently, it was brought to our notice that the Directorate of School Education of Government of Puducherry has released a circular no. 725/DSE/HSW/AC/A1/2021 for all schools mandating registration of children and their parents for Health ID. The circular reads as “it must be ensured that 100% registration has to be done on or before 08.02.2021.”

We wrote to the Department informing them that the Health Data Management Policy, 2020 categorically states that “participation of an individual in the NDHE will be on a voluntary basis…” meaning that registration to Health ID is voluntary.

However, the circular by the Directorate of School Education is in violation of the the Health Data Management Policy, 2020. It has taken away the element of informed consent, and has made Health ID de-facto mandatory. The circular has not informed individuals that they can choose not to register with the Health ID. In addition to this, the registration of children with the Health ID is being done without informed consent of parents/ guardians.

Any steps taken by the Government must be constitutionally tenable and in consonance with the law laid down in the Puttaswamy case(2017).

Through this letter, we urge the department to kindly withdraw the circular and release a new circular which categorically states that registration to Health ID is voluntary in nature and has the element of informed consent in it.

You can read the letter here: