Event: Open Source For Start-ups

A panel discussion titled ‘Open Source For Start-ups’ will be organised by IIM Bangalore on the 5th of April. Mishi Choudhary, Executive Director of SFLC.in will be delivering the keynote address along with Prof. Rahul De, Professor at IIM Bangalore and SFLC.in’s Board Member.

Taking the open-source route in a start-up’s product development efforts is a strategic choice as it provides easily accessible raw materials for start ups that operate with minimum resources.

The Free and Open-source model turns the traditional wisdom on its head and suggests product development as a collaborative effort. The development process benefits from community wisdom allowing feature improvements across competition and clones.

The event is is designed specifically to highlight and understand the following

    • Trade-offs going opensource


  • Licensing Issues: GPL, LGPL, MPL
  • and much more…

Prior Registration is a must to attend this event. Click here to register.

Venue: Auditorium, IIMB

Dates: Saturday, Arpil 05

Time: 09:30 AM to 01:30 PM