Case Registered Against Social Media Users Over Facebook Posts

On 22 February, 2014 the Karunagappally police have registered a case against some social media users for allegedly posting and sharing defamatory materials against Mata Amritanandamayi, on the basis of a complaint filed by five of her devotees.

Following the release of an allegedly controversial book about the Mata Amritanandamayi Math, named “Holy Hell: A Memoire of Faith, Devotion and Pure Madness”, an alleged hate campaign was launched against Mata Amritanandmayi on Facebook and other social networking sites.

The Police however clarified that the complaint was mainly against three Facebook pages on which defamatory contents against Amritanandmayi continued to appear. The Police further said that they are not going after everyone who shared these posts and registered their likes. Instead the probe was in the direction finding the origin of the posts.