Anivar A Aravind v. Ministry of Home Affairs & Ors., WP 7483/2020 (GM-PIL)’s advisory board member Anivar A Aravind has moved to the Karnataka High Court challenging the de-facto imposition of Aarogya Setu App and lack of specific legislation governing it.

He is represented by, Senior Advocate Colin Gonsalves, Advocate Clifton D Rozario, Advocate Kabir Ali Zia Choudhary and Advocate Avani Chokshi. 

For updates and orders of each hearing, please check:


1. Karnataka High Court’s case status
2. Aarogya Setu is optional for air passengers, Airport Authority of India informs Karnataka High Court
3. Karnataka High Court orders the State of Karnataka to clarify its stance on Aarogya Setu
4. Karnataka High Court allows amendment of petition in Aarogya Setu case: Update on petition challenging Aarogya Setu’s voluntary-mandatory nature and lack of a specific legislation
5. Aarogya Setu is not mandatory for air or rail travel
6. Petition Challenging the de-facto imposition of Aarogya Setu in Karnataka High Court

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